Seminar hotel in the ALMTAL
Retreat empowers Advantage!
Je stärker der Rückzug, desto größer der gedankliche Vorsprung!
The stronger the retreat, the greater the mental advantage!
Your organization is looking for a closed framework, your company is planning an extraordinary meeting or
one of your teams needs a meeting room for seminars,
workshops or trainings?
Comfortable retreat at the Hochberghaus Resort
The nature of the Almtal around the Hochberghaus Resort is the ideal setting for your meeting or seminar: Comfortable accommodation, plus a seminar room with access to the forest and event lounge - fine cuisine with a touch of tradition - vital power breakfast - forest sauna world and massage offers.
Die Natur das Almtals rund um das Hochberghaus Resort ist für Ihr Meeting oder Seminar der ideale Rahmen: Komfortable Unterkunft, dazu Seminarraum mit Waldzugang und Event-Lounge - feine Kulinarik mit einem Touch Tradition - Vital Power Frühstück – Waldsaunawelt und Massage-Angebote.
Die Vorteile der Seminaralm

Confidence and strength of the team
flourish in nature
A change of perspective is often necessary to lead the team to old strengths or new splendor. Going to the Alm with the team is a revival for all members. The body of each individual benefits from the fulfilled longing for nature in the Almtal and the psyche awakens in the freedom of the alpine climate.

Contrasting effect and process form a successful mix
Whether it's a day event or a weekly program, your seminars and group events are in the best hands with us!
Our success factors include the good location on the mountain, the low level of noise in the area, the forests and meadows in the immediate vicinity, the good mood of the team and the opportunity to start a small activity during every break.

Enjoy the seminar in the fresh air and sunshine
A seminar outside of your own four office walls should be something special, so we recommend events with at least 1 to 2 overnight stays. This allows the days to be structured and used even more clearly.

Sustainable arrivals and departures
We would be happy to advise you on an environmentally friendly and relaxed journey by train. Our taxi will bring you to us and to special event adventure points such as Almsee or Cumberland Wildlife Park on time and without stress. This brings us a good deal closer to the “Green Meeting”!

Bright seminar room in a quiet ambience, pleasant & uplifting
Our seminar room, equipped with modern technology and WiFi, offers all the prerequisites for your successful meetings and events.
Seating selectable
space divisible
adjoining event lounge
Direct access to the forest, outside balcony

Learn to appreciate breaks and let successes live
Resting is just as much a part of being human as doing.
The beautiful nature in the Almtal gives you the opportunity to switch off for a moment and rediscover the beautiful things in life. The strengthening feeling gives the inspiration and motivation to deal with the important things in life again.
business meeting
team building
Unencumbered by the routines and hustle and bustle of everyday life, nature at the Hochberghaus opens your eyes to what is new and essential.

Optimal location
The seminar room at the Hochberghaus benefits from its decentralized location for undisturbed performance potential.
Nevertheless, the seminar room is connected to all the important attractions that enrich the stay.
One side leads directly into the refreshing shade of the forest, for a soothing and relieving walk with birdsong and warming rays of sunshine.
The event lounge can also be reached directly to split up into groups or hold events. The style of the alpine hut is immortalized throughout the building and always fascinates every visitor.

Kulinarik aus Tradition
Culinary tradition
We spoil you with culinary delights from our classic menu and our down-to-earth WALDNESS cuisine with Kasnockerl and Pfandl dishes, which are among the best far and wide. Plus vegetarian and vegan dishes. The tasty Almtal awaits you!
The vital power breakfast in the morning is part of a good start to the day! From crusty bread and rolls to cereals and muesli to specially prepared eggs and healthy juices, everything is there that your heart desires and awakens your spirits. This is what coffee enjoyment tastes like in the morning!

Space miracle "Klausuralm"
Adjacent to the seminar area ("Klausuralm"), we offer to set up our event room as your event lounge (stage, tiled stove corner and real wood construction up to the mighty roof), for example usable for separate discussion groups, as an open space event room, cafeteria or for one desired parallel event or for a successful evening event.
Come to the Hochberghaus Resort for your successful seminars, business meetings and events and enjoy the numerous advantages:
Personal care
Everything from a single source - from one contact person
Multi-seminar bonus: Reduced room price from the 2nd seminar booking
A top modern conference and meeting room
Projector and sound system
Moderation and presentation material, flipchart
High speed WiFi
Flexible seating on request
In 5 minutes in the rooms, in 5 minutes in the event lounge, in 5 minutes in the restaurant, in 5 minutes in the wellness area
Free parking directly in front of the building

relaxation in the
beauty of nature
We would be happy to coordinate a variety of supporting activities for your special event, integrated as a half-day or day program or as a relaxing end of the day. For example, a taster event from the WALDNESS experience program to learn from the inspiration of Japanese Shinrin Yoku.

inspiration and fascination
nature and modernity

Der moderne Seminarraum für bis zu 20 Personen und massig Platz auch im Außen-bereich gestalten eine angenehme, ruhige Atmosphäre für innovative Zusammenarbeit.

Inspirierende Natur
Nutzen Sie die Natur als Inspiration für kreative Entwicklungen und ersehnte Fortschritte.
Genießen Sie die Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten für Entspan-nung und Rückzug. Wählen Sie Ihr gewünschtes Side-Programm.

Arbeiten Sie im Team und schaffen Sie eine produktive Arbeitsumgebung. Unsere Waldness-Aktivitäten und die Almnatur erfreuen Sie außerhalb der Seminare, um gemeinsame Erlebnisse zu genießen und die Firmenkultur zu stärken.
We are looking forward to your request!